1. “Nobody” refers to the way fantasy is often based off of an imagined body rather than an actual body. While reality informs our fantasies (such as anime), fantasy worlds in turn restructure the way we interact with reality
2. Cosplay, anime figurines, and other miniature worlds are just a few ways we materialize our fantasies
3. For the show, I have made 3 paintings as well as a series of ⅙ scale figures
4. The paintings are still lives of unfinished pieces of foam cosplay armor
5. Cosplay is a sincere embodiment of fantasy and desire; it can be labor-intensive, intricate, serious works of engineering and sculpture.
6. The cosplay in both the paintings and sculpture are “unfinished” - they are the original, unpainted color of foam, revealing the structure + labor behind the fantasy.
7. I see the cosplay in both the paintings and sculptures almost as a husk, a shell.
8. The figures are rendered at ⅙ scale, which is standard for many anime figurines. I wanted to reference the world of anime fandom + hobbyism (i.e. creating or collecting figurines) and used many readily-available materials that would be accessible to any fan, collector, or hobbyist.
9. Working at miniature scale is a way to create a world over which we have full control.
10. The armor of the figures are made of EVA foam, using the same processes that cosplayers use to create their costumes.
11. The figures themselves are made of soldered copper wire - raw, unpolished structures that suggest a body but never fully realize it. I see them more as armatures or scaffolding than “bodies”.
12. The figures are posed in ways not normally associated with armor - playful, vulnerable, submissive, dejected, silly, queer.
13. There is a subtle undercurrent of violence throughout - why the need for armor at all? Is someone preparing for battle, or is this what has been left behind afterwards? Connecting desire and fantasy to the aestheticization of violence and domination.
14. Armor is something that protects but also restricts.
15. The bright colors are an invitation but also a warning.
16. My own personal desire to cosplay as someone with power + protection.
17. “Civilized” vs “Uncivilized”
18. Historically, clothing and armor was one supposed distinction between the “civilized” and the “uncivilized.” The civilized are those who wear clothing, the uncivilized are those who are naked or barely clothed. Armor was used as a tool to conquer and colonize the uncivilized.
19. The famous explorer Ferdinand Magellan was one of the first colonizers to arrive in the Philippines. In the infamous battle of Mactan, Magellan was only wearing armor on the top of his body. He received a major blow to his unprotected leg which eventually led to his defeat by the native chieftain Lapulapu. Lapulapu is now considered a national hero in the Philippines for fighting against Spanish colonization.
20. The relative nudity of the native Filipinos was used by Americans to categorize Filipinos as savage and unfit to govern themselves. This false distinction of naked=uncivilized, clothed=civilized helped legitimize America’s notion of the “White Man’s Burden” and their policy of benevolent assimilation - colonization for the supposed betterment of the colonized.
21. In the case of the Philippines, colonizers (Spain, US and Japan) used their fantasy of an “uncivilized” Filipino people as a way to legitimize their use of force against them. In this way, the fantasy of a body was used to control/dominate the actual body. We see this logic still used today in other places… From a more personal perspective, this work is a mixture of:
22. A reaction to the violence i see everyday in life and on social media
23. My desire to hide from this violence
24. My desire to cover the violence up / recreate it in a more cartoonish way / my unwillingness to face reality
25. Armor as a defense mechanism to protect myself from criticism or scrutiny
26. The attempt to transform something hard into something soft, permeable, pliable
27. The attempt to transform my own defenses, the walls that I've put up between me and the world––into something soft, permeable, pliable Perhaps an alternative title to the show could be "soft shell" - like a crustacean growing into a new shell after molting the old one. Vulnerable but necessary to grow
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The exhibition is made possible thanks to funding from the budget of the City of Łódź